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Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Organizational Behavior Stephen P. Robbins 10 E

THE most comprehensive, reality-based review of organizational behavior of its kind, this volume prepares readers to explain and predict behavior in organizations at three levels—the individual, the group, and the organization system. Features a lively, conversational 
style, extensive examples, case applications, skill-building modules, “Ethical” Dilemma exercises, “Myth or Science?” boxes, and more. Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction. Personality and Emotions. Perception and Individual Decision Making. Basic Motivation Concepts. Motivation: From Concepts to Applications. Understanding Work Teams. Communication. Basic Approaches to Leadership. Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Power and Politics. Conflict and Negotiation. Technology and Work Design. Human Resource Policies and Practices. Organizational Culture. Organizational Change and Stress Management. For anyone interested in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, or human relations.

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