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Rabu, 11 September 2013

Organizational Behavior, 11th Edition Stephen P. Robbins

With its conversational writing style, cutting-edge content, current examples, the three-level integrative model, dialogues, and technological learning tools, Organizational Behavior remains the global book, used by more readers interested in the topic than any other since 1979. The 11th edition retains all of the best features of the previous editions, yet adds much more: contemporary issues and research have been included into a seamless, whole, and comprehensive tome. Many topics are comprehensively covered, but on the whole, this book is written in a conversational, easy to read style. Topics include: management functions; the social sciences; helping employees balance work and other responsibilities; improving people skills; improving customer service; motivational concepts; communication; power and politics; conflict and negotiation; culture;

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Organizational Behavior Stephen P. Robbins 10 E

THE most comprehensive, reality-based review of organizational behavior of its kind, this volume prepares readers to explain and predict behavior in organizations at three levels—the individual, the group, and the organization system. Features a lively, conversational 
style, extensive examples, case applications, skill-building modules, “Ethical” Dilemma exercises, “Myth or Science?” boxes, and more. Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction. Personality and Emotions. Perception and Individual Decision Making. Basic Motivation Concepts. Motivation: From Concepts to Applications. Understanding Work Teams. Communication. Basic Approaches to Leadership. Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Power and Politics. Conflict and Negotiation. Technology and Work Design. Human Resource Policies and Practices. Organizational Culture. Organizational Change and Stress Management. For anyone interested in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, or human relations.

Advanced Accounting 10 E BEAMS

For undergraduate and graduate courses in advanced accounting.

This is a comprehensive textbook that addresses practical financial reporting problems while reflecting recent business developments and changes in accounting standards. 
A comprehensive textbook that addresses practical financial reporting problems while reflecting recent business developments and changes in accounting standards.

Student Orientation

An important feature of the tenth edition is the continued student orientation, striving to maintain an interesting and readable text to enhance the overall learning process and hold reader attention.

Electronic Supplements

Auditing and Assurance Services, 12/E

Arens, 12e teaches the fundamental concepts of auditing, integrates those concepts throughout an audit, and shows the importance of auditing in today’s environment
Arens’ integrated concepts approach shows students the auditing process from start to finish. It uses an illustrative example of key audit decisions for a public company (Hillburg Hardware) audit throughout the book, emphasis on audit planning, including risk assessment processes and evaluating internal controls, and collecting and evaluating evidence in response to risks, prepares students for real-world audit decision making.
In addition, the best coverage of internal controls on the market helps students keep up-to-date with the current emphasis on testing and reporting on internal controls in today’s Sarbanes-Oxley environment. Arens is the most current book in a very dynamic market. The authors continue to provide up to date content, even between editions.

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Business Finance PPT & Solution

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (Asia Global Edition) is an adaption of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ninth Edition, by Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, and Bradford D. Jordan. Hence it follows the tradition of excellence that instructors and students have come to associate with the Ross, Westerfield and Jordan series — blending comprehensive coverage of modern research with an emphasis on practical applications.
Written with one strongly held principle that corporate finance should be developed and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ideas, three basic themes became the central focus of the book:
  1. An emphasis on intuition—underlying ideas are discussed in general terms and then by way of examples that illustrate in more concrete terms how a financial manager might proceed in a given situation.
  2. unified valuation approach—net present value (NPV) is treated as the basic concept underlying corporate finance. Every subject covered is firmly rooted in valuation, and care is taken to explain how particular decisions have valuation effects.
  3. A managerial focus—the authors emphasize the role of the financial manager as decision maker, and they stress the need for managerial input and judgment.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Ebook Corporate Finance, 8th Edition Ross

Corporate Finance, 8th EditionCorporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe is a popular textbook that emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make the theory come to life. The authors aim to present corporate finance as the working of a small number of integrated and powerful intuitions, rather than a collection of unrelated topics. They develop the central concepts of modern finance: arbitrage, net present value, efficient markets, agency theory, options, and the trade-off between risk and return, and use them to explain corporate finance with a balance of theory and application. The well-respected author team is known for their clear, accessible presentation of material that makes this text an excellent teaching tool. Brad Jordan, known for his

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Resume Cost Accounting

With a user-oriented approach, COST ACCOUNTING provides all the background your students need to become successful users and preparers of accounting information. The text encourages students to look at the business system first, then design a system than can collect and generate important information. Plus, because all businesses are different, the mechanics of alternative accounting systems and techniques are demonstrated and explained fully. The latest topics, such as TQM, measuring cost of quality, JIT, ABC, and activity-based management, are covered.

Software ACCURATE yang sudah dipakai oleh lebih dari 30.000 perusahaan
dengan kondisi bisnis yang berbeda-beda dan sangat mudah penggunaannya. Serta
memberikan informasi yang real time proses.
Fitur yang lengkap dan keakuratan dari proses yang dilakukan oleh ACCURATE

Solution Manual Intermediate Accounting IFRS

US public companies will have to follow International Financial Reporting Standards as of January 1, 2011. Weygandt’s Financial Accounting: IFRSintroduces challenging accounting concepts with examples that are familiar to the student while incorporating the new global accounting standards. Following the reputation for accuracy, comprehensiveness, and currency, Weygandt guides students through financial accounting and the period of transition for IFRS readiness. The text prepares student for the requirements they will follow in the coming years.

Solution Manual Cost Accounting Carter 14th edition

Cost Accounting (ISBN10: 0759338094; ISBN13: 9780759338098) Designed for an introductory course at the undergraduate or graduate level, this dynamic text presents an updated, real-world approach to cost accounting. Cost Accounting, 14e demonstrates the fundamentals and logic of alternative accounting systems and methods. The text emphasizes the use of accounting information in planning and controlling business systems, and in supporting a variety of management decisions. Distinguished authors Carter and Usry proffer specific consideration to decision-making and human behavioral matters.

Solution Manual Accounting Warren 21e

Accounting, by Warren, Reeve and Fess, 21st edition, a college textbook by South-Western. Click on image to visit the Product SnapShot for more information.Buku Akuntansi edisi 21 ini merupakan buku terdepan untuk mata kuliah Pengantar Akuntansi yang membahas konsep-konsep akuntansi dan hubungannya dengan dunia bisnis nyata. Fokus pembahasan terletak pada bagaimana akuntansi dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi manajemen yang efektif melalui penekanan pada prosedur-prosedur akuntansi yang paling penting. Fitur-fitur terbaru dalam edisi 21 meliputi: Analisis Keuangan dan Interpretasi serta kotak khusus Pelaporan Keuangan dan Pengungkapan Membantu mahasiswa memahami informasi dalam laporan keuangan perusahaan-perusahaan aktual yang terkait dengan bab yang sedang dipelajari. Catatan dan Aktivitas yang Inovatif Menghubungkan materi dengan dunia bisnis nyata melalui catatan-catatan pinggir yang menarik seperti Bagaimana Menurut Anda?, Apa yang Salah dengan Ini?, Teka-teki Siapa Saya?, Tanya Jawab, Serba-Serbi, dan Dunia Nyata. Pertanyaan dan Tuga Terdapat di akhir setiap bab untuk

Solution Manual Management Accounting Horngren 14th edition

Get refreshed with Horngren/Sundem/Stratton's Introduction to Management Accounting, 14h Edition. This best-selling book offers a relevant,real-world decision-making approach to management accounting. Readers develop a solid understanding of costs and cost behavior and the use of cost information for planning and control decisions, not just inventory valuation. This book emphasizes the notion that “You need to understand the business first, before you can understand the accounting of business.” Updated to cover the most recent methods in management accounting, topics include: cost behavior, cost management systems, and activity-based costing; marketing and product decisions; the master budget; flexible budget and variance analysis; management control systems; capital budgeting; cost allocation; andjob-costing and process-costing systems; basic accounting concepts, techniques, and conventions;

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