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Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Advanced Accounting 10 E BEAMS

For undergraduate and graduate courses in advanced accounting.

This is a comprehensive textbook that addresses practical financial reporting problems while reflecting recent business developments and changes in accounting standards. 
A comprehensive textbook that addresses practical financial reporting problems while reflecting recent business developments and changes in accounting standards.

Student Orientation

An important feature of the tenth edition is the continued student orientation, striving to maintain an interesting and readable text to enhance the overall learning process and hold reader attention.

Electronic Supplements

To consolidate the chapters in the text, electronic supplements can be accessed by visiting www.prenhall.com/beams for immediate download.  The supplements include assignment materials for these alternative methods so students can be prepared for consolidation assignments regardless of the method used by the parent company.  Additional supplements include:

•    Solutions manual
•    Instructors manual
•    Test item file
•    PowerPoint presentations

Accounting in the Real World

All chapters contain excerpts from the popular business press and references to familiar real world companies, institutions and events.  Some companies featured are:

•    American Airlines
•    Compaq Computer Corporation
•    Daimler-Chrysler

Annual Reports

Examples are taken from annual reports of well-known companies and governmental and non-profit institutions to illustrate key concepts and maintain student interest.   Companies include:

•    Sea Corporation
•    Pac Corporation
•    Acme Corporation

Learning Objectives

The tenth edition retains the use of learning objectives throughout all chapters to allow students to focus their study time on the important concepts.


•    Assignments have also been updated to include additional research cases and simulation-type problems. 
•    Identification of names and parent and subsidiary companies beginning with P and S allowing immediate identification have been maintained.

Link Download:
      Slide                         Solution                   Text Book

Cara Download:
1. Klik Gambar yang bacaannya "Click Here".
2. Setelah itu klik gambar skip ads yang ada di pojok kanan atas. seperti gambar dibawah:
3. File siap didownload.

Password RAR: incang

3 komentar

Unknown 26 Februari 2014 pukul 23.13

mas untuk ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 11TH EDITION, BEAMS ada gak? solutions manual dan slide nya?

PT. Product Export IDN 23 April 2014 pukul 04.12

ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 11TH EDITION, BEAMS ada, tapi saya masih belum sempat upload mas!

Unknown 2 Januari 2016 pukul 20.31

boleh minta linknya? saya coba link diatas filenya sudah tidak ada semua.
tolong email ke trex.wisnu2@rocketmail.com atau tlong reupload. terimakasih sebelumnya :D

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